Faith, Personal

Blessed Lent!

 “Nothing, how little so ever it be, if it is suffered for God’s sake, can pass without merit in the sight of God.” ~ Thomas a Kempis

Blessed Lent, my friends! This is always an interesting season in my life. A time for prayer, fasting, penance… but in the end, it’s always a time for renewal, for placing myself more firmly near Jesus Christ, so that by approaching the foot of His cross, I may follow Him towards Heaven.

Anyway, the last two Lenten seasons have been pretty crazy for my husband and I.

 Lent 2020 was chaos, for obvious reasons (see: terrified of potential plague redux). Lent 2021 was a much more pleasant chaos – I was heavily pregnant with my end-of-April daughter. Still, being so pregnant was not very conducive to proper fasting, so it was a pretty “easy” year for me.

This year, our little family is really striving to offer more of ourselves to God. I think the fasting/abstinence (for those who don’t run in Catholic circles, abstinence refers to abstaining FROM a certain food, i.e. meat, and fasting refers to lessening or omitting a certain QUANITY of food in general) will also be good for me health-wise, as I’ve fallen into really bad junk food snacking habits…

I’ve felt very “But what about second breakfast? Elevenses? Luncheon? Afternoon tea? Dinner? Supper?” since Ash Wednesday.

Anyway, in other news, I got new glasses, after not having any with the right prescription for a while, so that’s a nice break from my contact lenses. I got one normal, respectable pair, and one that channels my inner mad librarian. 

I also put Bible tabs in my Bible, finally, after wanting to do it for ages. I got the “Majestic” brand and I thought they were actually very easy and enjoyable to install. 

With the help of a glass of wine and a podcast, naturally.

I thought they turned out really nicely. They do have other colors, of course, for those who aren’t into pink.
As for writing news, I am really enjoying this novel draft so far. I like it much more than my last project, and I think my more detailed planning is paying off.
That said, I’ve still made little deviations here and there, which is a little scary (knowing how easy it is for me to end up down some rabbit hole that messes up the entire thing!), but so much fun.

I do think that this story is going to end up once again above my planned-for word count. 

So I am undecided about leaving the goal progress thing in the sidebar set at 75k or amending it to a more realistic figure (and making my % go way down, haha). I’m not sure yet.
In any case, I’m writing daily, having fun, and I love my characters and the world I’m exploring. Can’t ask for more. I just have to keep moving.

I’ll leave you with my adorable ten month old, who can totally stand now while holding onto things. 🙂