Book Review, Writing

2k to 10k by Rachel Aaron (Book Review)

I finally bit the bullet and picked up this short book, which seems to have a reputation as a bit of a classic, especially among some indie authors I read/listen to writing advice from. I’m glad I did!

I’m currently in the final struggle of finishing my current WIP, and this book really helped me to feel enthusiastic about writing in general. Hopefully, it’ll be enough to get me over the hump, even if I take a break before even trying to edit it (frankly, I hate it right now, it’s Christmas, and I need to breathe.) 

I’ve read her original blog post on this topic but there was still a lot of new, useful info here. 

I like how short it was, because it’s the kind of book I can see myself re reading multiple times for motivation and knowledge when I get stuck. I have a couple of Youtube videos I watch when I feel my writer energy flagging, same thing.

I’ve put forth the thesis that writing IS work and sometimes it’s okay to enjoy having written more than actually writing. Rachel strongly disagrees with this, and I see her point. She’s also a published author and I’m not, so. I’m going to implement some of her ideas (especially when I’m outlining another book; this book cemented for me what a mistake it was to do a weak job outlining the last 30-40% of my book) and see how it goes.

I DO think enthusiasm for what you’re doing is so important, and it’s easy to overlook your gut feelings when they’re mixed with general laziness. 

I like that this book clarifies that her huge word counts are only possible with lots of writing time, something I just don’t have in this season of my life. 

Still, I know I could be doing more, and working fast does motivate me and helps me to stay in the story. 

I completely agree with her that stuff written fast can actually be better (not for everyone, but for me, definitely) than things written slowly, with time to “fall out” of the story.

Anyway, I definitely think this book is worth a shot if you need some common-sense advice. If you don’t feel like spending the 4$ on it, Rachel Aaron’s blog posts will get you started for free. Kudos to her for keeping them up.

Oh, and blessed Christmas Eve!

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