
I need to take some time soon for a decent blog post…

In the meantime, I’ll just share some photos and an update. 🙂 I have a good excuse – I’m working on another book project and having a grand time doing it. I haven’t gotten to drafting yet, but hopefully that’ll happen soon.

 It finally snowed this morning! Finally! We’ve had a slew of bright, sunny days that just don’t give me the winter cozy vibe from inside the house. It’s been cold, but there’s been no real snow since mid-December. There’s something magical to waking up inside a snow globe, isn’t there?

I didn’t get any better pictures, but we took a nice family walk (my husband was off work today – good thing, too, I don’t think he could have driven there…) in the snow. It was so deep and fun for my 6 year old. My daughter seemed to like it, too, though she stayed in the baby carrier.

Speaking of magical, I finally got hold of the extended edition Lord of The Rings DVD set (thank you, Facebook marketplace!) and we’ve been watching the movies as a family. It’s my son’s first time experiencing them, and though he’s a little young to really understand the story, he’s enjoying feeling grown up. And seeing cool orcs and swords and so forth. 😛

We’re going to start the Return of the King tonight. I’ve never gotten through it without crying and I doubt I’ll start now. Also, I showed my husband my childhood — the “PO-TA-TOES” song and the “They’re taking the Hobbits to Isengard!” song (you’re welcome for the links to these masterpieces). Ah, what a time to have lived through. 

I got to take a nice solo walk on Saturday – the ice was so neat to look at, especially the rocks along the water’s edge that were coated in it. Lake Ontario is one thing I will definitely miss when we move away from Toronto. 

My husband and I were on a Stephen King kick the last month or so. I grew up reading his books, but Jordan had only ever seen the film adaptations. He read “Misery” and “The Shining” and really enjoyed them both. I just finished 11/22/63 (one of his newer ones, a time travel tale about a man who attempts to stop the assassination of JFK!) and really enjoyed it, too. 
God bless you all and I hope everyone is having an excellent start to 2022.