Book Review

Vivid by Ashley Bustamante (Book Review)

“How do you keep a Mentalist out of your head? How do you evict them when they creep in and seize control?”

5 beautiful, bright, vivid yellow stars.

Right from the opening line, I was drawn deep into the world of Magus and didn’t want to leave it. I didn’t have a ton of expectations going into this book. Mostly, I got sucked right in by that cover. But I have to say my very minimal expectations were exceeded.

This was more of a dystopian, I would say, and I haven’t read a YA dystopian in years. The worldbuilding was fascinating, and towards the end this book just got crazy intense and I was frantically flipping pages to see what would happen.

There were a couple of minor reveals where I was kind of like “wait, was I not supposed to already know this very obvious thing?!”, but there were others that I didn’t expect at all, so yay!

I’m not usually the type to swoon over men in books, but y’all, Elm was just too much.

In the best way. The romance element of this book ended up being a bigger deal than I anticipated, but it totally worked. It was also totally clean and just very morally positive.

I will say that this is more of a clean fantasy than something you would easily pinpoint as specifically Christian, but that didn’t take away from the story. I tend to really enjoy the books that Enclave Escape puts out, and this was no exception.

I will be eagerly awaiting the sequel, but the book also ended on a very satisfying note.

You can pick up your copy on Amazon right here. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. =)