
“For God is not the God of dissension, but of peace…”

I wanted to post this on the actual day of our first snow fall (last week of November, I believe) but life got in the way.

I love the Advent season. I love the anticipation of Christ’s birth. But this year, like last year, feels quite a bit off. It’s hard to fall into those old routines of my childhood (and adulthood prior to 2 years ago) when the world has been completely upended. Everything is different now, and the Christmas season for the last two years has really put that fact in stark relief. 

Advent Masses are booked in advance, because we’re only allowed so many people in our churches. If you go Christmas shopping, you probably won’t see a single smiling face, everyone is masked. Families being split asunder for Christmas dinner because of who is or isn’t vaccinated. And on and on.
I don’t want to get very political on this blog. For the most part, I just want a place where I can focus on my writing and on things I enjoy. Needless to say, I don’t enjoy what my country of Canada has become and where the world seems headed. 

I just have to be honest about that. I’m blessed, but I still struggle. 
In any case, I am comforted that whatever else comes, we are not alone. God is with us, and I have people I love by my side, too, especially my husband and my kids. The joy I felt waking up to that surprise snow fall (pictured above, the exact one, I promise!) let me forget the rest for a moment.
Seasons change, people change, governments change, “normal changes”, He remains.


P.S. Writing is going pretty well, too. Post coming soon about going off-outline, I think, because I have thoughts.