
A quick update

Blessed Sunday, my friends. I hope everyone had a wonderful first week of June!

It’s been busy here. Now that my family is finally through being sick, I’ve been able to dive back into working on Storm & Spire book two. I still have some things to work out, but the ending is in sight. ✨

I am so excited to actually start drafting. I finally thought of a decent cover concept for the second book’s cover, so I need to get a sketch over to my cover designers this week as well.

Lots of fun writerly days all around. 🙂

My paperback is basically ready to go, assuming there are no big printing problems, which I should find out today. Eek! I have my hardcover in the works, though I suspect that will take a coupe of weeks. I also have some simple bookplate stickers I can send to anyone who may be interested in a signed copy – shipping books myself is pretty expensive in Canada so unfortunately I can’t just sell the paperbacks and hardcovers to you directly.

Anyway, with how busy things have been, I’ve turned this blog into more of a place to put updates. I’m spending more time writing now, so I need to cut back somewhere. Going forward, this space will be used a little less frequently, mainly for things like new releases, paperback and hardcover releases, sales, and the like – the “big stuff”.

Thank you all so much for your support and encouraging words. 🙂

If you enjoy learning about me and want to support my indie author career, I would really appreciate if you signed up for my newsletter. I send it biweekly, and I share a lot more of the day to day stuff, photos, etc. I’m working on some exclusive subscriber goodies as well, and I’m always open to ideas. I’ve also already revealed the title of book 2 to the newsletter crew, and that will be my first stop when looking for reader input / opinions on my upcoming books.