Hi friend, nice to see you here!
I’m Stefanie, and I’ve been a reader for as long as I can remember. Writing came later, of course — four year olds are not usually known for their skill with a pencil — but not all that much later.

Starting when I was a kid, I played around with short stories, a few poems, and some childhood song lyrics (terrible, of course, but none that quite top my younger sister’s masterpiece which includes the line, ‘the girl next door, she thinks she’s all that, the girl next door, I’ll make her eat a rat’). I’ve also published quite a lot of non-fiction articles for various places, though these days I don’t do much of that aside from church bulletins!
What I really wanted to do, always, was to write books.
It took quite a few false starts, and then a break where I thought I was done with the whole writing mess, and finally, in the early days of 2022, the story that would not let go finally came. That story became my debut novel, Magnify.
I haven’t stopped since. I can’t. Once, I tried. You can see by this website and my current bibliography how well that worked out. =P
Look, I’m not usually the most sentimental about writing, okay?
I enjoy the business side just as much as the creative side, and I don’t fuss too much with worrying about inspiration or the muse or that sort of stuff. Mostly, I get up very early, I say my morning prayers, I sit down at my desk, and I just… start.
It’s like a job for me, in a lot of ways, and like with most writers, it’s not actually that romantic of a job when you get down to it. Sometimes, I think it’s about as mysterious and aesthetic as my husband’s job fixing fire sprinklers, though admittedly far less dirty.
But it’s a job I love.
And I mean love in a big way, a special way, the kind (though not degree, obviously, I try to keep the written word in its proper place!) of love that I have for God, for my husband, and for my kids.
The kind of love that keeps on being chosen, and keeps on choosing me, day in and day out.
And with that, I’m off to write more books, the kind that eventually end up on shelves, looking beautiful and mysterious and romantic in all the ways that writing them isn’t.
I’m so thankful that there are people out there who actually read my stories.
God bless you all.
Stefanie Lozinski lives in Ontario, Canada, with her husband, soon-to-be three young children, two cats, and a whole lot of books. When she isn’t homeschooling her little ones, you’ll find her on a long walk, drinking coffee, praying a Rosary, or working on her next book.