
Alas, writing is going well!

I’ve been steadily writing every day (I think I’ve only missed one day since beginning this project, though I have had some “token word count” days). I’ve been getting decently respectable word counts. I love my characters. I’ve found the perfect writing music that fits with the feel of my novel. 

The story is working.

Despite having never read any of his books, I read a bit of advice from Ernest Hemingway that has served me for several years. He says that you should always stop writing for the day while you know what is happening next. Never let the well run completely dry so that you never have to start a fresh writing session with the agony of the unknown. I sometimes even leave off mid-sentence.
I don’t think I’ve been well and truly stuck yet, and I’m a third of the way towards my goal word count for the first draft. I am entering the dreaded Middlemuddle Forest, though, so I may start whining soon enough, but I’m trying to stay positive. 😉 

It’s all going great, really. HOWEVER. 

I have two little kids. I homeschool one of them. No matter how early I get up or how much I try to keep everyone fed and the house clean, it often seems like someone needs me about 99% of the time. Like I said, I’ve mostly managed to fit the big stuff in at the edges – daily Bible time, journaling, and writing – but I’m afraid some of the other stuff has been getting neglected pretty badly. 
A lot of authors seem to struggle with wasting time on excessive worldbuilding instead of writing. I spent only a couple of weeks on a basic outline for this novel, as I like to have some freedom while drafting.  I’m at the point now where I think I need to actually take some time to do a little more focused worldbuilding!
I need to make a map for my book, at least a rudimentary one. I keep getting confused about various geographical details when I’m actually writing. 
I need to do some other worldbuilding things, again because I keep finding my lack of notes is making writing more difficult. I know it’s only the first draft, but it really annoys me when my flow is interrupted because I completely forgot what someone looks like. 

Writing has had me pushing reading to the wayside.

I did that thing I do where I end up reading a pile of books all at the same time, which I can usually dig my way out of, but right now I’m stalled. My reading time, the rare quiet, has been going to writing. I have so many books I’m waiting to dive into, but for now I think I need to a) stay off my phone and b) push through.
Overall, I’m very happy with how this book is coming together. I want to try and aim for balance, but at least the writing is working. The rest will fall into place.