
My author website is officially live!

I went on a grand adventure in tech support land (seriously, I won’t bore you with the details, but it was comical how many things went wrong!) but finally my author website is ready for public viewing.

I hope you guys like it – I would love to hear your comments and thoughts. Please note the new newsletter linked in the top bar, as well, I’d appreciate anyone and everyone who chooses to sign up. 🙂

It’s surprisingly difficult to make author website content when none of your books are published yet, but I tried my best and I’m so thankful for how it turned out.

In other news, Camp NaNoWriMo starts today, and I’m participating. I’ve never actually committed to doing any sort of NaNo project, so I think it will be fun to have a bit of extra motivation/community around me as I finish up drafting my current project.

If you want to be “buddies” / harass me for missing targets, you can find my profile here.

A few obligatory photos may be found below.

I don’t use social media, so you just have to put up with me 2002 personal myspace vibe here. 🙂

Also, the lake was gorgeous last week. It looked so green in person!
My husband is handsome and my daughter is a little smooch. Life is good. My son is growing so fast and often I can’t get a photo because he’s never standing still. Ha.

2 thoughts on “My author website is officially live!”

  1. Jacinta B says:

    wOOHOO! Congrats on the new website! I LOVE THE LOGO! And the font too!! (I’m a nerd, I appreciate decent fonts hahaha). Yayy I’m glad you’re doing Camp Nanowrimo! I’m signed up on there but barely do anything haha.
    God bless!

    1. Stefanie Lozinski says:

      Thank you so much, my friend! I’m glad you like it! The font actually came with the theme, hehe, but I did do the logo myself in Canva 😀 I actually already won NaNo, since I needed less words than I thought to finish my draft 😛

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