
Bookstagram vs. Reality

As I mentioned a few days ago, I finally returned to Instagram, and I’m having so much fun with it. It is a nice change of pace for my brain to do something creative other than writing / blogging / marketing.

You can follow me over here. =)

Of course in between trying to take my own photos and interact with people, it’s easy to fall into the Scrolling Pit of Doom… and it’s so dang pretty in there. I always kind of wonder how the photos look behind the scenes, especially the really elaborate ones.

Mine aren’t quite on the level of these pros, but I thought it would be fun to do my own little behind the scenes, anyway.

First up, we have Magnify (Storm & Spire Book 1) — I am still trying to get my paperbacks sorted, so ebook it is!

Next, we have Defy (Blades of Acktar Book 3) by Tricia Mingerink – I am currently reading this and I love this series more with each book.



Next up we have one I haven’t started yet: Blade of Ash (Scepter and Crown Book 1) by C.F.E Black. Look at that cover, guys!

(I also follow the author on Instagram and she’s hilarious.)



Finally, we have one of my all time favorites – The Staff and the Sword series by Patrick W. Carr.



Oh, and a bonus round – I am a big fan of the shiny printed covers, but they are SO difficult to photograph without glare when you have a very…rustic setup such as I do. So I called in my husband.

We’re a team. 😛 Next time, we’ll use a towel, LOL.

Anyway, this post is a reminder to you and to me that taking pretty photos takes work. It takes time, it takes resources… and at the end of the day, Instagram is a highlight reel, even when it comes to books.

Disclaimer: As an Amazon associate, I earn for qualifying purchases. =)

2 thoughts on “Bookstagram vs. Reality”

  1. Jackie P. says:

    This was so funny! I always thought bookstagram was quite a process. And Jordan’s contribution is hilarious! 🙂

    1. It’s actually so fun. I went outside last night and took pictures in the yard of this random condo by my house, lmao.

      He is a good sport, honestly. bahaha.

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