
I have news!

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If you’ve been here for a while, you’d know that Storm & Spire started off as a trilogy. Hah! I’m pretty sure that went out the window sometime during book 2, when I realized I needed a little more space to finish the story. It would be a 4 book series!

I clung to that idea.

Oh, how I clung to it. lol.

I have other projects calling my name (including an entire new pen name series I am so ready to dive into). I’ve been working on this series full throttle since last January, and as much as I love the journey, it’s not a comfortable/easy one.

I was still hoping I could fit the ending of this series into book 4 until the very last minute.

I thought maybe if I made it super long, it would be fine.

And then somewhere in the stressful mess of trying to figure out what to do, God stepped in.

I don’t have this experience often, folks. So when I do? I listen.

My Christian faith is a huge part of the Storm & Spire series and of my life in general, but I don’t usually consult God about every detail of my publishing business. I pray, but I also trust that when He needs to step in, He will smack me upside the head.

He really does deliver on that front!

I had a sudden realization that all of my reasons for wanting to end S&S at 4 books were based on fear.

Fear of not having enough story.

Fear that no one cares.

Fear that I’m a crummy writer and won’t be able to do it again.

Fear of missing out.

Fear I could be getting more readers and sales with another project.


When I made the decision, it was like a torrent of peace rushed through me.

I decided to ask myself what I would do if I wasn’t afraid.

I thought of Wes, Celesyria, Alder, and Kessara, and of how great it would be to give them the ending to this difficult journey that they truly deserve.

I thought of my readers who LOVE my books (Satan tells me they don’t exist, but that’s nonsense. You guys are out there, and I’m so thankful) and how they will be happy to spend a little more time in the world of Kaveryth.

I remembered that God has gotten me this far, and if He calls me to write another book, He will get me through that, too.

I decided to write one more book.

And even though it was—and is–a scary thought, I feel such a deep peace. Despite the wrench that has now been thrown right into my Type-A-Psycho plans for 2023, despite all of my fears, I know this is what God is asking.

So I guess I’d better buckle down and do it, and trust that the blessings will come. <3

TDLR: There’s going to be a Storm & Spire book 5!

Thank you for reading that whole mess. 🙂 I appreciate you guys! The good news is, I am RIGHT at the end of book 4, and it will be coming out by April as planned.

I am SO excited to get book 3 out, too. Coming January 24!