Faith, Personal, Writing

I hit 75,000 words! But will I actually finish the book by Christmas?

 Advent is in full swing, and just like last year, it’s snuck up on me. I’ve been plugging away at The Book, of course, and today I hit a milestone! It’s an arbitrary one (my self-imposed word count minimum), but still. It feels good to see that progress bar filled. 🙂 

My next self-imposed milestone is that I will finish this story by Christmas. 

I really think I can, especially since my son is visiting with my parents next week and I will get a couple of days where my distracting husband is at work and I will just be home with my daughter. 
I also worked out (in a paragraph of notes…) a bit of “lore” that I needed to really pull my world’s backstory together, so it feels like a big piece of the puzzle is finally set in place. 

Anyways, I’ve been having a nice time with my children preparing for Christ’s birth. 

We’ve been making an effort to listen to (and sing!) all the older Christmas carols I grew up with, which has been quite fun. We watched “The Star” as a family recently, which I thought was quite cute, though mostly I was just thrilled to see an actual Christian-based movie about Christmas on Netflix! 
My son and I spent quite literally hours on colouring and putting together this printable (plus toilet rolls) nativity scene we found here. He’s quite proud of it, as am I! We are displaying it sans Jesus, he will be added on Christmas. My yiayia always used to leave Jesus out of her nativity set until he was actually born, so I’d like to continue that tradition. 🙂
I hope all of you are enjoying this beautiful season.