Personal, Writing

It would seem I’m still a writer. Can’t be cured.

I suppose this failed attempt at an “about page” shall instead serve as a first post. I’ve written so many about pages and I always hate how they turn out. I suppose it’s fitting penance for how many blogs I have started and abandoned. 


In any case, dare I hope this attempt will be different? 

Time will tell, but in my defense, I have been quite good with my Bible reading and journalling commitments in recent months!

I used to write lots of things in lots of places, and then life got very hectic and I took a step back from it all. My focus was Catholic topics, and if you know anything about the current problems within the Church, well, it’s not altogether surprising that I was burning out after a couple of years in the “Catholic media world”. 

I wanted more time for my family. Namely, my wonderful husband Jordan and two young children (may the Lord bless us with more!). I wanted to focus on housekeeping, cooking, homeschooling, and of course on the fun stuff like reading that I was finding it hard to get to. 

I’ve been enjoying shutting myself away from the chaos, especially by way of working to limit my smartphone and social media usage. However, I’ve come to realize that as much as I may have needed to move away from my semi-professional writing obligations (for the time being, anyway) I simply cannot bring myself to move away from being a writer. 

For years and years, I tiptoed around the term, hoping to someday do something that would cement my right to claim that immortal title. By the grace of God, I was paid to write articles for several websites and even a print newspaper. I still find that absolutely wild, and I am very thankful for that time in my life and all of the experiences I got to have.

“Oh, what do I do for work? I’m a writer, actually,” I would say,  trying to be casual but no doubt betrayed by my Yes indeed I am a WRITER, and I’m not even an IMPOSTER anymore because people pay me, and read my stuff, and stuff! So there! AHHHH! expression. 

I was annoying, I’m sure.

So, I don’t want to be annoying, but I do want to be a writer again. Even if I’m not paid, and don’t have readers, and don’t use social media very often, and try to hide my pit of despair (iPhone) from myself. 

This post alone felt – FEELS – so wonderful to write that I am struggling to stop. What a treat to feel my keyboard clicking beneath my fingers, even if the “J” key is still tumbling out of place.