
Just a little life update.

I write books, and life goes on. Soon I’m going to be starting Storm & Spire book two, and I’m extremely excited about it. This week has been very much about finishing up editing / formatting stuff for Magnify, and all the homeschooling.

We’re finally settling into the swing of grade 1 with our Memoria Press curriculum (if you’re for some reason reading this and you’re interested in classical Christian education, I can’t recommend MP highly enough).

We do a “year-round” schedule, which is kind of a double-edged sword. One the one side, it means we can take our time when we need to, and take random time off without having to plan very much for it. On the other hand, it means I have busy mornings pretty much all of the time, and if I don’t finish much work between 5-7AM ish I sometimes don’t get another good chunk of time for the rest of the day.

That said, overall, I love homeschooling and I have no regrets. It will be kind of exciting when my one year old is big enough to begin, too. =)

I broke down and got Instagram again, so feel free to follow me over there. I’ve also been doing some more decorating, and I finally got some actual books on the new shelves my husband put up for me a couple of weekends ago.

I finally finished reading A House for My Name (A Survey of the Old Testament) by Peter Leithart, which was an easy five stars. It only took me a long time to read because I was doing a little each day along with my “read the Bible in a year” plan! I learned so much about the Bible through this book, especially, of course, about the Old Testament. My only complaint is that I wish there was an “answer key” for some of the discussion questions. Still, I recommend this book to every Christian, Catholic/Protestant/Orthodox. I can pretty much guarantee you will learn something new.

And finally, last but not least, I’m about to start reading Save the Cat Writes a Novel by Jessica Brody. I am a huge fan of Libbie Hawker’s Take Off Your Pants outlining method (can’t recommend it highly enough, especially for those who are new to plotting vs. pantsing), but I want to try something new for the second book in my series. I’m sure the outline will end up taking elements from both books!

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