Faith, Personal, Writing

Merry (Nearly) Christmas!

I intended to write before now. Really, I did.

I finished reading “The Hiding Place” by Corrie Ten Boom and it was absolutely wonderful – I can’t believe I’d never read it until now. So, I’d love to go more into detail on that, and then have this post as the usual lazy photos-and-updates sort of thing, but since I’ve yet to find a change to do that, I’ve been putting it off. We’ll see.

Writing a novel is hard. I get one decent chunk of time per day (second nap for my daughter, quiet time for my son) to focus on things, and trying to finish this novel is The Main Thing right now. Of course, once I put a decent amount of words into said novel (which is probably not going to be done by Saturday…), my time is gone and I’m on to the usual work of motherhood. And then at night when I *could* work more, I want to read! Or hang out with my husband! You know how it goes. I need to work on it, though. I COULD do a little more.

I’m not complaining (this morning I was, but never mind). I’m so thankful to be home with my little ones, homeschooling, etc. It’s a life I never thought I’d get a chance to experience and I’m so thankful to God for the blessings He has given me. The Advent season helps to remind me of that.
Anyway, more to the point: I have a lot I want to / need to work on, but if I don’t continue to prioritize this novel, it will not be finished. And I will cry. 

Firstly, please observe how cute my Christmas princess is. Goodness, she kills me. How are babies so precious? We’ve been enjoying Advent Masses, hoping that the government doesn’t do some crazy lockdown before Christmas, the usual. 

This is a stupid setting. pretty sure I was at Walmart. However, I always wish I had babywearing photos of my son and I, so here it is! I’m enjoying that she can hang out like a backpack now, it’s much easier on my back.

My novel writing looks like this lately. I’ve gone pretty off-outline (well, it’s more like “I worked hard on the first 50-60% of the outline, slacked on the rest, and I’m now suffering the consequences”) but at least it’s moving along! Also, my new mug suits the story world, as you will see. 😉

Recently we made our first gingerbread house as a family. I broke it literally 30 minutes after it was made. Fortunately, it was not exactly attractive before. Next year, my husband is all about getting “the right tools” to make a pretty one, haha.

Well, that’s how my Advent is going! I hope all of you (Most of my readers are invisible, I’m told) have a wonderful Christmas. 
Veni Emmanuel,