
Museum trip, and a wonderful find.

 Last weekend, we had the chance to visit the Royal Ontario Museum with my sister-in-law and my nephews. I haven’t been to the museum in several years so I was eager to go. It was also my son’s first visit. 🙂

Somehow, I have no nice pictures of my son, of course. haha. He doesn’t stand still very long!

It’s much easier to photograph my daughter! She was very content to hang out in her dragon baby carrier. 

We all had a good time, though it’s crazy how fast time goes in there and how impossible it is to see everything! I would love to go back with just our little family though, since it was hectic and I like to take my time and really dive in.

I found the Greek and Roman area really peaceful, and the Byzantine area had some beautiful Christian icons I didn’t get a chance to photograph. 

We’ve been plugging away at homeschooling. We’d really like to finish our Memoria Press Kindergarten curriculum by the time we move. Which I will tell you all more about soon – it’s going to be a BIG change for our family! Anyway, Dawson’s reading has come so far, it’s amazing and so satisfying to know I taught him to read myself!

They are both basically brand new, and I LOVE the simplistic black covers (I am always hoping to find a set of LOTR in this style, too). I was so excited I almost shrieked in the street (my family is on a LOTR streak right now. We’re on our second watch of all the extended editions, haha).
The little free libraries / large selection of thrift stores is the #1 thing I will miss about living in the big city. 
Also, I hit 30k on my draft, Deo gratias. It’s going very well. 