Personal, Writing

My novel has a title!

Keep reading if you’re curious as to what it is. 🙂

Editing is 90% done, the cover is done (I am SO excited for that reveal), and I actually like my own book, which is a pretty vital step. I’m so excited to actually get this story out into the world so I can begin planning and drafting book two.

It’s been a pretty hectic week around here, though, and certain things have taken a lot longer than I intended them to, lol. Oh well, such is life.

My son began his grade 1 curriculum on Monday (we homeschool, and currently we do a year round schedule so the timing can be a little odd) and he’s really enjoying it so far. I’ve had to figure out how to teach some new subjects, though, so it’s been an adjustment for both of us from Kindergarten!

Mostly, I’ve just been enjoying the spring weather and getting out for lots of walks. It’s not exactly warm here yet — it’s been actually quite a chilly winter for where I live — but it is always nice when the snow melts away.

I still miss the country so much. I don’t think I’ll ever truly be used to the city. But I will say it’s lovely living within walking distance of Lake Ontario. I love watching the seasons change.

And, last but not least…

The title of my upcoming Christian fantasy series is…

Storm & Spire!

And the first book is called “Magnify”.


I can’t wait to show you all the gorgeous cover. The title isn’t the same without the gorgeous cover to put it on.

6 thoughts on “My novel has a title!”

  1. Sarah H. says:

    Ooh!! An intriguing title!! Congratulations! I live in the suburbs of a city too but unfortunately there is no water nearby. (We’re in the desert.) But that is a pretty view of the skyline! I can’t wait to see the cover reveal!! 😀

    1. Oooh but the desert is cool too! I really would love to visit one. It’s just so interesting and different from the geography where I live.

      And thank you so much, I’m so excited to share it!

  2. Your daughter is still adorable! 🙂 I hope grade 1 continues to go well for you and your son.

    I can’t imagine moving from the country to the city! I live in the city, and I enjoy that, but I’d love to live in the country someday, and being away from all of the problems of the city. It must’ve been quite an adjustment for you.

    And I love the title(s)! I agree with Sarah…intriguing!

    1. Thank you Samantha! I agree, she’s such a little turkey. She’s going to be one on Friday, I can’t believe it. Ahhhhhh!

      It is a huge change, I’ve been here for a couple of years now and I still am not fully used to it. But there are parts of it that are really nice, and I’m blessed to live in a part of the city with nice views 🙂

      Thank you!

  3. Sarah says:

    Great titles! I particularly like the series title. Also, yes, “I like my own book” is a very important step in the making-a-book-happen process.

    1. Thank you, Sarah!

      (Two Sarah’s on one post, what are the odds?)

      I agree. I tend to think of series by their titles so I definitely did not want the series title to be an afterthought. And yes, I actually really struggle with hating everything I do, so when I actually think something is half way decent it’s a very good sign. At least, I hope so…

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