
The first draft is COMPLETE at 92,215 words!

I should have found a smiling picture, but I mean, what other excuse did I have for this picture of pretty eyeshadow I never wear!? 

… And I’m too burnt out (and to eager to play Animal Crossing with my son / drink wine with my husband / snuggle my daughter / etc) to write much on the blog about it, because I am tired.

But I did it. I drafted this novel, it only took 3.5 months-ish, I survived, and I only feel partially ready to burn the entire thing rather than face editing it. For now, a break. I had originally planned to start editing straight away, but honestly, I was also thinking I would be done by the beginning of December. As it is, it’s just too much in my brain, and I need to breathe a little.

I am super proud of my discipline writing this book. Thanks be to God. I prayed so often to actually get this thing done (as did my husband, which is the sweetest) and I know God’s grace was there, as it is in everything when we seek His help. Anyway, I wrote virtually every day, and I am going to continue that, even if I’m editing or plotting or whatever I decide to work on next.

I may take this weekend off, though. Maybe. A big maybe. I like to stick to my habits to an annoying degree, but hey, it helped this time, I think.

I wish everyone a blessed 2022!