
The Jolly Genre Jubilee Tag

I definitely was not tagged in this (I am still in the process of finding my writerly friends in the blogging community…) but it looked very interesting, so I thought I’d join in. I borrowed this tag from Bookshire, and I’m told it was created by Kenzie.  I tag… anyone who feels like participating!


– Thank the blogger who tagged you, and leave a link back to their blog.

– Leave a link back to the creator of the tag.

– Answer the questions honestly and include at least (1) gif of a pelican.

– Tag 3+ friends to do the tag on their own blogs.

Okay, I think I mostly followed the spirit of the law, at least.

What is your favorite genre of fiction to write?

Definitely fantasy. It comes more naturally to me than any other genre, and on top of that I think it suits my writing style. Fantasy lends itself well to lyrical description of people, places, and things, while still being easy to write in a fast-paced way.

What genre would you NEVER get caught writing? . . .EVER.

I’m not sure I can ever say NEVER, since I’ve actually written an entire draft of a clean Catholic romance novel! I don’t think I’ll repeat that feat, though, though I do like to *add* romance to other stories. 

What fictional genre feels most like home to you?

Fantasy, again! I settle into it in a way that I simply can’t with any of the other genres I’ve tried (though I’m sure I just need more practice). I don’t have to do much by way of mental preparation to dive into the story world, even if the fantasy setting, of course, varies by project. 

If you could transform your real life into any genre of your choosing, which would it be?

If I can’t choose specifically “the Shire” (I am very much in need of a move to Hobbiton at this point in my life…), I’ll say historical fantasy. I would love to live in a simpler time, but hey, in my fantastical world we would have things like contact lenses, modern dentistry, and antibiotics. And dragons. 🙂 
(Also, the formatting of this bit refuses to be fixed, my apologies)
What genre does your real life most resemble at the moment?

I live in Canada, where our Prime Minister has invoked the never before used Emergency Act to stop people from peacefully protesting Covid mandates.
Dystopian. All the way. My life has been dystopian for nearly two years.

Canadians escaping Trudeau!

What’s a genre you’re interested in writing, even though you’ve never written it before?

Historical fiction! I’ve never really tried my hand at it – I find the research aspect kind of intimidating, especially considering that I’m rarely the most patient person when it comes to writing. But I’ve really upped my outlining and planning game overall, so I think it’s something I will have to give a solid try going forward. I love real-life history so much, so it seems only natural.

What genre is your most recent plot bunny, and where did it come from?

I’m not sure if this counts, but I briefly considered writing a dark academia-style book in the paranormal genre. I ended up deciding to do my current project instead, but there were elements I really liked that I may revisit in the future. 
My current project is, of course, fantasy. Specifically Christian fantasy.

How many genres have you written thus far in your writing journey?

Oh, goodness, quite a lot. How many have I completed, or just tried?  I’ve tried most genres to varying degrees, but I’ve only completed projects in fantasy and romance, I think! I also only really write novels, because I find short stories really intimidating. Perhaps I can learn to write them – it would be a good way to explore new things without the giant time commitment of a full novel

That’s it for the tag! If you do it, please link me – I would love to read your thoughts 🙂