
Typos, motherhood, and love.

Earlier today, I was moving one chapter to a new place and noticed this little gem at the very end. 

“If she’s right,” he said aloud, his whisper barely perceptible even in the stillness of his room. ”I can’t just be a decent ruler. I have to be willing to diet.”

It packs a real emotional punch, doesn’t it? Really, giving up carbs is the most important thing that a political ruler can do for the people. I just hit 55,000 words before typing this post, so that’s also nice. The end is near!

In other news, my son is six today, so that’s… something. It’s hard to believe how big he is, but I’m so blessed that I’ve spent so much of my adult life as a mom. 

It’s an experience that changes you in ways that are hard to describe. Love is like that, isn’t it? When I look back on my life, it’s the great loves that stick out in my memory. 

Finding God.

Marrying my husband. 

Having my son, and then having my daughter.

But because I was so lost when I was young, my son actually came first, out of order, knocking me off my feet. The moment in labor with him when Heaven seemed to touch earth… I’ll never forget that. 

I’ll be raw and honest here, being a mother is hard and my son has some behavioral/learning challenges that make it really hard a lot of the time. Sometimes I feel guilty because of how difficult I find it to parent someone I love so much. Shouldn’t it be butterflies and rainbows, or something?

It isn’t. But he’s still my first great love, and I am so thankful God gave him to me to grow. I’m so proud of him for so many things. 

Happy birthday, my guy.