Faith, Personal, Writing

I’m boycotting NaNoWriMo.

I don’t want to be political on this blog. I really don’t. I walked away from this sort of writing. I just want to share fantasy stories, dangit. I’m about to release my debut. I am not here looking for drama.

But I just got an email from NaNoWriMo and I’m very, very angry. My conscience isn’t going to permit me to be quiet about this one.

The subject line? “Access to healthcare—like access to creativity—is a fundamental human right.”

First of all, what? lol. Do you have a God-given right for the state to provide you with pencils and paper? Oh, wait, that would imply that these people understand that rights come from God, not merely the whims of their state overlords.

Anyway, more importantly, this is absolutely disgusting to me as a human being.

Killing unborn babies is not a fundamental right.

Y’all, I am so sick of having to argue this point. I know people will get mad at me for saying abortion is murder, I don’t care, it is. It’s the worst kind of murder possible, because every single victim is completely and entirely innocent, without exception.

I really wish NaNoWriMo would be honest about this, but of course, they won’t.

They rely on their Newspeak propaganda to gaslight people into going against their common sense and fundamental humanity in order to pretend this is okay. To pretend this is laudable.

The email includes this gem:

We want to affirm the range of emotions that our staff and Wrimos are feeling today. Each of us comes with different experiences, perspectives, and solutions regarding the Supreme Court Decision. Our organization is in solidarity with those who will experience the most harm [Naturally, the babies being poisoned and dismembered are given zero thought] from this ruling: Black and brown working-class people with uteruses and their families.”

You want to affirm my emotions?

Here are my emotions, NaNoWriMo — you support murdering babies, and I want nothing to do with you, ever again, in any capacity.

I should have known. I should have paid more attention to your emails. I should have poked around on your website because the insane woke content is obvious. So that’s on me, and I’m sorry.

I’m sorry to the unborn children you are happy to quite literally throw into the garbage.


5 thoughts on “I’m boycotting NaNoWriMo.”

  1. Jackie P. says:

    Woke-ism has infiltrated every aspect of society. Health care is a right, that is correct….but abortions shouldn’t casually be thrown under that umbrella. Abortions should be a rare circumstance. People have normalized abortions so much that they view it as a type of “birth control”. It’s sickening.

    You and I mostly agree on the topic of abortion, and you’ve always respected my stance where it differs. COMPANIES should not be emailing us with this insanity.

    “People with uteruses” should take some responsibility for their actions. And those rare circumstances where it’s out of their control should be where “healthcare” matters. Society can stop normalizing frequent casual sex any day now. Abortions shouldn’t be your “right”, they should be a heartbreaking last resort.

    1. Yes as you know I don’t think they should be allowed in any circumstance, because I believe it’s murder.

      That said, it’s ridiculous to me how far we’ve come. So much for “safe legal and rare”, now it’s “on demand and without apology”! But this is the fruit of a culture obsessed with so-called sexual freedom and independence. 🙁

  2. Sarah says:

    Yeah . . . NaNoWriMo is a great program, but they are very liberal. I remember people calling for a similar boycott in 2020 because of the BLM stuff. I’ve been using their site less and less over the last couple years, both because it fits less with where I am in my writing journey and because of stuff like this (though I’m not officially boycotting).

    1. Haha fair enough, it is hard to boycott something you’re not paying money for anyway! I agree also with it not fitting, I try to write faster than the “nano pace” but I also don’t like writing 50k novels, but I did do camp this year… sigh.

  3. I didn’t realize this about nanowrimo. We participate as part of our homeschool. It’s the only thing I have the kids do for Language Arts during nanowrimo month. I guess I don’t really open their emails very often. Though I have come to realize they are very liberal. Participated in a writing thingy at the beginning of the last regular nanowrimo. Everyone of the people hosting would mention their pronouns as they introduced themselves.

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