
First draft: complete.

I haven’t posted here in a few days, but in my defense, I was nearing the end of my draft and focusing hard on writing. 🙂

My brain is kind of mush, but there will be some more interesting news (well, interesting to me, anyway!) coming up soon. I have a title and I’m currently working with a cover designer, so that’s exciting. I can’t wait to show you guys what she comes up with, her work is amazing.

Anyway, now onto editing – it’s a pretty clean draft, as far as it goes, so I’m hoping to just really buckle down and get that finished so I can send it off to my beta readers as soon as I can.

As I finished up the draft, I was sitting at the table with my family (my son was beside me, so not pictured, lol) and it just felt fitting.

I’m so thankful for their support, especially my husband.

Being a homeschooling SAHM is hard to juggle with writing at times, but I’m doing it. It helps that we spent most of last week re-organizing our entire apartment (okay, the timing was terrible) and switching rooms with the kids.

Finally my daughter isn’t nursing all night, so I’ve been able to get up at 5AM and get writing done. I think I may manage a more steady 2k a day if that continues.

I also texted my best friend immediately, because she’s had to listen to my daily word counts / rants / struggles for nearly two months and I’m so thankful to her too!

In other lesser news, I started a Facebook page which currently has no one following it, so if you would be so inclined to do so, it would be much appreciated. 🙂

God bless you all.

8 thoughts on “First draft: complete.”

  1. Samantha says:

    Congratulations!! Well done, you! First drafts are one of the hardest parts…although good luck with the editing, I find that hard, too. 🙂

    (Also, your cats are so cute! The one in the lower right corner looks like one of our cats. :))

    1. Stefanie Lozinski says:

      Thanks so much, Sam 😀

      I tend to find editing to be /the hardest/ but it’s actually going okay so far. I don’t think I wrote myself into too much chaos this time.

      My crazy cats… Nibbler up top (loudest cat you’ve ever seen…) and sweet little Gertie at the bottom 😛

  2. Jacinta B says:

    Congratulations!!!! ^_^ As someone who is still living with her parents, with no obligations who can’t seem to “find time” to write fiction, I applaud you haha. You’re amazing!
    So excited to see the cover!!!!!

    1. haha I totally get it, I lived with my family for a while and it was hard for me too! And thank you. I LOVE what the designers have done so far, I’m so excited

  3. Congrats on completing your first draft! That’s so exciting!

    1. Thank you so much, Sarah! I am feeling shocked by just how much work comes after, but it feels so good to have the bones of the story really in place 😀

  4. Jackie P. says:

    Proud of you. I can’t wait until I have a hard copy in my hands! 🙂

    1. YES! It will be so pretty too, I can’t wait to see the back cover they come up with.
      Kind of wish I had a bookstagram…

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